Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Value of Sound

Audio (and video) is different from print and photography in that it is _Linear_, not spatial.

When you are recording “_wild sounds_,” you are essentially getting the audio equivalent of candid


Silence = _reflection_

_Ambient  sound is valuable for setting a scene when it’s interesting, and it’s useful for editing purposes even when it’s not.

A good script is well-written for the _ear_, not the_eye_.

The best way to learn to write is to _read__ and the best way to learn audio is to _listen_.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Feral Pig Hunting on the Arizona Strip

Feral Pigs
In recent years, feral pigs have been sighted near Mud Mountain and Black Rock Mountain. Very little is known about the numbers, habitat use and behavior of these animals, but it appears they are transitory between Mud Mountain and Black Rock spending much of the summer months on Black Rock and winter months near Mud Mountain. They appear to be closely tied to water sources in these areas, and track sign is common.
You are encouraged to attempt to harvest a feral pig in 13B. Keep in mind that hunters who have tried to harvest a feral pig have had mixed results because of the limited number of animals and a quick weekend trip to hunt feral pigs may not be successful.
If you choose to hunt these animals please keep the following in mind:
  1. No hunting license is required to hunt these animals.
  2. Harvest of sows is encouraged to limit population growth and adverse impacts to turkey populations (nest predation = no poult production) and wildlife habitat.
  3. This population is feral and is not actively managed by the Game and Fish Department.
  4. A packet will be available through the Arizona Stirp BLM office in late 2010 related to feral pig hunting. This packet can be received by calling 435-688-3200.
I got my information off of the website: